For any blogger, adding images can make the content they create more engaging. Using stock images isn’t exactly a way to set a blog apart unfortunately. This means that bloggers need the chance to take and edit their own photos.
Not every blogger, however, has the editing skills of a professional photographer. In fact, many beginning bloggers only have rudimentary skills and need something easy that they can use on their phone. Luckily, there are some apps that will help even beginner bloggers create images that match their posts.
Adobe Lightroom CC
For iPhone users, there is the versatile option of Adobe Lightroom CC. You probably recognize the name Adobe as the creator of another powerful photo editing app – Photoshop. Adobe Lightroom CC, though, is a simplified version that can be used on the go on an iPhone.
The interface for the Lightroom is simple and easy to use. However, it is still powerful, giving you plenty of options to work with. It allows for selective adjustments as well as perspective correction. For more advanced jobs, the user can access color mix tools and use curves. brand ambassador Lucas Carfagno attests to LightRoom’s power and versatility. He can use it to quickly touch up the photos that he wants to post on Instagram and Pinterest and he can also use the program on the go to do some image manipulation that would have otherwise needed Photoshop in normal circumstances.
Since this app is great for both beginners and advanced users, it will give a blogger a long term option as they develop their blog. Whether you are working on a burgeoning blog alongside a custom writing service like or a well-developed blog that needs higher level photo editing.
Learn more how to get Lightroom for free and start editing photos on your iPhone right now.
Another choice for iPhone or Android users is Afterlight. This app is aimed at users who want to dip their toe into photo editing but aren’t sure exactly where to start.
As is expected from an app like this, Afterlight offers a variety of filters and frames. Additionally, Afterlight offers the user a choice of textures if they want to try something a little more advanced as well as controls for contrast, highlights, shadows, toning tools, and other expected options. These can be controlled through sliders and buttons, making editing straightforward.
Once you’ve finished, files can be exported. This can be done in three sizes with the largest being 2448 x 3264 pixels.
Afterlight does have additional features and an updated version – Afterlight 2 – that you can pay for. If you don’t want to, though, the advertisements for them aren’t hard to ignore and the generic version isn’t terribly limited for a beginner editor.
Snapseed is another intuitive piece of software that helps beginner users easily find their way around and edit photos. This app was first launched in 2011 for the iPad by Nik Software for a fee. In 2012, Google absorbed the company, made the app free, and released it for Android as well.
Much like Afterlight, this app is controlled mostly through taps and that use of sliders. This makes it easy for users who aren’t familiar with traditional photo editing software. Users can even view their original and edited versions of a photo side-by-side.
All bloggers needs images for their content but not all bloggers are advanced photo editors. Well, you don’t have to be. With the apps we’ve looked at here, even the most inexperienced editors can come up with beautiful content.