Taking A Closer Look At Video Games and How To Make Them

Most well known video game developers have multimillion pound budgets for every game they create together with hundreds of staff. However this is just one way of creating video games and it is actually possible for anyone to do it without having a massive budget or a large workforce.

Making an innovative and appealing game that others will want to play though, is not easy and can be likened to creating a hit song; which is arguably even potentially harder than that. Making the next Super Mario, Angry Birds or Call of Duty isn’t just going to happen overnight and takes a lot of patience, innovation, a little bit of genius and some luck. You only have to look at mFortune, a leading online slots brand who is known for taking the time to make their very own exclusive games for all their members. On the other hand, if you just want to create a video game that is actually playable, this is a lot easier to achieve and realistic.

The first thing that you will need to do is actually have a concept in your head or written down of what you want your game to look like. Visualise what you want and make sure that it is actually achievable, as you aren’t trying to create the next EA blockbuster game. You need to know what type of game you want to create, whether that be a platform based game, shooter game or puzzle game for example. You then need to understand the length of the game you are wanting to create, the skill level, the plot of the game and importantly the budget you have in which to create it with.

You then need to spend some time working out which game making software you are going to use to develop your game. There are plenty of free and premium options that all specialise in different types of games, for example if you want to  create a shooter game you will find the ones that are more suited to that or if you have decided to go down a different route and want to develop an online slot game then you need to find a developer who specialises in these.

Some possible choices are RPG Maker and IG Maker if you are looking at a 2D role playing game. GameMaker which is a good option if you have no prior programming knowledge at all. If you have some experience and want to look to create something more complex have a look at Unity; if you are looking to possibly make a career out of commercial games in the future.

You then need to spend time creating your characters and environment for the game and trying to make a memorable cast that will attract players to the game. This exercise and all further development of your game will entail trial and error; so don’t frustrated, use it to your advantage, learn from your mistakes as well as your successes.  This will prove to be very important.

One you have created a game and feel that it is ready for the market then you are ready to publish it. Most of the game making programmes will offer you ways to publish your game, which is probably your best first port of call.

As you can see the dream of developing a video game doesn’t have to remain a dream forever and is entirely possible for anyone to achieve. If you want it to be successful though the most important thing is player engagement, you have to create a game that engages your players and keeps them wanting to come back for more.

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