3018 is the name of Daniel Arsham’s new exhibition at Galerie Perrotin in New York. The artist started teasing the art installation with an eroded version of a Delorean DMC-12.
To stay close to his signature aesthetic, 3018 paints the picture of a dystopian future with pop culture modern objects imagined in a decaying state with an ashy gray aesthetic.
Another really distinct piece is the “FUTURE” wall sign extruded through the surface created with a mix of foam, plaster and white paint.
You will also be able to discover other pieces such as an entire wall with more of Arsham’s eroded style revealing a broken wood structure inside. The visual effect is achieved using a visual technique called trompe-l’oeil with wallpaper designs.
For more, head over to Galerie Perrotin’s website, and the official address listed below or Daniel Arsham’s Instagram.
3018 at the Galerie Perrotin in NYC, is open until October 21.
Galerie Perrotin
130 Orchard Street
New York, NY 10002
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