5 Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Techniques That Get Results

Regardless of the age of your website, conversion rate optimization (CRO) techniques can be beneficial from a search engine optimization standpoint. Achieving higher conversion rates can give your content a boost in the search results. Try using these CRO tips to start improving your site’s performance today.

1. Narrow Your Focus

Take a look at the sites that come up on the first page for any search. Chances are, they are all closely related to the topic that you searched for. When you look at the sites that have obtained top rankings in the search results, it is easy to see that Google favors sites that make it fast and easy for people to find the information that they need.

One of the biggest mistakes that site owners make is talking about multiple topics on a single page, trying to appeal to as many people as possible. Unfortunately, this usually makes it more difficult for users to find the information they need.

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Instead of being able to quickly get an answer to their query, they have to search through a lot of extra information that isn’t relevant. That is why pages that are too broad almost always fail in terms of user satisfaction.

Narrowing the focus of your site is a multistep process. Start by learning everything you can about SEO silos.

According to matthewwoodward.co.uk the way that your site is organized plays a key role in the ability of the search engines to evaluate your content. It also is important in terms of making it easy for your visitors to find what they are looking for.

Once you have laid out the structure of your site, you then need to evaluate each page to make sure that it has a clearly defined purpose and that it focuses on a single topic. Use headers to organize your content, making sure to add a well-defined call-to-action on each page.

These simple changes can significantly impact your conversion rate, boosting your site’s performance in the organic search listings.

2. Focus On Designing High-Conversion Content

Your site’s conversion rates are largely dictated by the quality of your content and the way that your content is designed.

Ideally, your content should be specifically designed to convert users, helping you to maximize the potential of every visitor who lands on your site.

The way that you put together your content can play a significant role in how effective it is, both at converting users and at boosting your site’s standing in the search results.

Ultimately, every piece of content you design should be created with your users in mind.

Don’t get so caught up in trying to include keywords that your content becomes unreadable for your visitors. People won’t stick around to read your site if the flow of your writing is constantly interrupted by awkward keyword phrasing.

Additionally, don’t try to optimize your content for high-volume keywords. Instead, focus on a keyword’s conversion potential rather than on how much traffic it gets. For instance, it is much easier to convert someone who is searching for the relatively specific term “red strapless dress” than for the much broader term “dress”.

Your content should not only be well-written and engaging but should also motivate people to want to buy. Try focusing on the benefits of the product or service that you are promoting. This can help build excitement, making it easier to convert people into buyers.

The less cluttered your content is, the easier it will be for your visitors to grasp the concept that you are trying to get across. They are more likely to take action when they can easily find the information that they are looking for and can get answers to their questions right away.

3. Use Images To Add Interest And Value To Your Content

Most people click away quickly if they land on a website and find themselves facing paragraph after paragraph of text.

To make your pages look less intimidating, try adding images to your content. This can not only help break up large chunks of text but can also make your content more informative and engaging.

The key is to use images that are relevant to your content. Don’t just throw in unrelated images for the sake of having an image. Instead, look for useful images like infographics that can help support the theme of your site.

You may even want to create your own images using parts of your content. Having an image that backs up some of the points that you are making in your writing can help solidify the concept in people’s minds and can make it easier to get your ideas across. Check out the analytics for your website to figure out which pages are the least popular with visitors. Analyze those pages to see if you may be able to improve them by adding relevant images or infographics.

When you add images, make sure that you enter alt text, captions, and keyword-optimized filenames to boost their SEO value.

4. Don’t Guess Which Options Perform Best – Test Them

Most of today’s businesses use A/B testing to increase conversion rates for their content. It is a highly effective way to figure out which content and which layouts perform the best.

There are plenty of tools out there that you can use to experiment with your pages, testing different options to see which ones give you the best results. Analyze your site, identifying pages where your conversion rates could be improved. Try out several different changes on these pages, using a testing tool to track the differences in your conversion rates with each option.

A great example can be seen with Nature Air, an airline in Costa Rica. They were able to increase their conversion rate by more than 590% simply by moving their call-to-action button to a different location on their site. Through A/B testing, they discovered that placing the call-to-action button near the content of the page resulted in a significant improvement in conversions when compared to placing it in the sidebar.

5. Create A Personal Experience For Your Users

Try to connect with your users on a personal or emotional level. It is much easier to convert someone when you have already made a personal connection with them. In fact, this tactic is so effective that more than half of all marketers use content personalization as a key component of their overall marketing plan.

Personalizing your content is particularly important when it comes to email marketing. People like to feel like you are talking directly to them when you send them emails. If you have a mailing list, make sure that your messages speak to people on a personal level to improve conversions as much as possible.

It doesn’t take much to have an impact when it comes to personalization. In fact, something as simple as adding a short message at the bottom of your landing page that makes it seem more personal can go a long way toward improving your conversion rate. Recently, Evergage tried this with their pages. As a result of their efforts, they were able to boost their conversion rate by 11%.

Personalizing your content is easier than you might think. Start by making your content as concise as possible, removing any text or details that don’t need to be there. Keep your users in mind when writing your content. Think about their tastes and personalities as you craft your content, trying to write in a way that caters to their likes and interests.

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